Mercer's Wood Academy Committee

Chris Fitzpatrick


Having spent several years in the classroom in primary settings, I made the move to Headship in 2016 when I was initially appointed at White’s Wood Academy. I have since become Head at Mercer’s Wood Academy too and bring a drive for continuous improvement, built on consistency and a relentless work ethic to the schools and trust.

Prior to embarking on a teaching career, I was a tennis coach in Sheffield. This not only helped me to develop my teaching skills, but also gave me a wealth of experience in various settings, including numerous schools, and the opportunity to work with people of all ages. I will continue to apply myself fully in my current roles for the benefit of the children and families that we serve. I have also served as a Governor at East Markham Primary School. This role gave me further insight into the workings of other schools, particularly in a different Local Authority, and has helped me to develop my skills and offer support to a less experienced Head & Leadership team.

Away from work, I have been married to Sarah for several years and we have two kind, inquisitive and fun-loving children. Spending time watching them grow and develop is the way that most of my time away from work is spent and there is no alternative I would prefer! We take family holidays when possible, enjoying everything the world has to offer. I have always loved sport, with football, swimming, tennis and, in more recent years, golf being my main interests.

James Keen

Link Trustee

Responsible for oversight of Local Governing Body

James has been a resident of Gainsborough since 2007 and joined the Local Governing Board for Castle Wood Academy in 2020 whilst his daughter also attended the school. Since May 2022 James became a Trustee.

Being a graduate of BSc (hons) Food Science, he has worked for many years in the Food Industry. Currently a Technical Manager and day to day he has responsibility for food safety, auditing, health and safety and procedure writing.

James brings to the Trustee Board experience in auditing, documentation, procedure writing, improving standards, people development, business systems improvement, fire safety and health and safety. He has an interest in supporting the Trust over the coming years and with his skills can make a positive difference and ensure the future success and development of the Trust for the pupils.

Having two daughters and a wife, James enjoys family life and cooking in his own kitchen or on the BBQ (even in the rain), cycling, watching rugby and travelling.

Chris Allbones

Chair & Safeguarding Governor

Responsible for Safeguarding.

I am Chris Allbones and a community governor for Mercers Wood since 2022. I attended Mercers Wood as my primary school and I can definitely say it helped shape the person I became and it continues to help countless children build a strong educational foundation in such a welcoming and supportive environment. As such when I was asked to consider becoming a governor at the school it was an opportunity I didn’t want to miss.

Being a local business person I have always enjoyed giving back to the local community and the opportunity to be a governor at my old primary school was a role I was excited to be involved with and looking forward to helping support the amazing work done at the school and its impact on the local community.

Suzanne Sutcliffe

Parent Governor

Responsible for SEND / Finance

Hi, I'm Suzanne. I am a Mum to two amazing boys who bring lots of joy and happiness but also keep me on my toes! I can often be found on the side-lines of a football pitch cheering them on. I offered to become a parent governor as I have had previous experience in this role and was involved with well-being change awards, I was also the lead for behaviour and anti-bullying.

I work as a specialist nurse within CAMHS and the criminal justice system, working with children and families who have found themselves in tricky situations which have led to them being part of this system. As part of this role I offer mental health assessments and interventions if indicated to improve mental health. I have also offered training to magistrates, student doctors and nurses and education settings around the impact of trauma on mental health. I support children with neurodiverse needs and children that have been traumatized through their early experiences and/ or offending behaviour. I am passionate about making a difference to the young people and families I come into contact with, to improve their mental health and support them to be the best they can be and I'm hopeful and positive that I can transfer my skills and continue to learn and develop further valuing the whole school community.

Kelly Regan

Parent Governor

Responsible for Curriculum & Standards

Claire Law

Staff Governor

Responsible for Attendance & Behaviour

My name is Claire Law and I am the staff governor at Mercer’s Wood Academy. I have been a member of the Local Governing Body since May 2022 and have been given the responsibility of attendance and behaviour. I am very honoured to be a governor as the children deserve the best and I will do my utmost to make sure the children are given lots of opportunities.

I have proudly worked at Mercer’s Wood for nearly 15 years. I originally started as a volunteer and then did my teaching assistant courses all the way up to level 3. In September 2019, I enrolled to do my Higher Level Teaching Assistant and completed this in January 2020. I have worked in both key stage 1 and key stage 2 during my time at the school.

Along with all the other staff in school, I want to strive to ensure the best for our children. I want to make sure that all our children reach their full potential and that they feel safe and happy during their time with us. It is important that as a school, our values are at the heart of everything that we do.

Jo Barlow

Community Governor

Hi, I am Jo and am a Mum to 3 fabulous children and Grandma to 3 beautiful Granddaughters with another on the way. I have been involved in education for 25 years starting as a volunteer before moving onto a variety of roles including class teaching assistant for all primary ages, 1:1 teaching assistant for a range of children with various special needs and a primary class teacher. At the moment, I am a specialist teaching assistant at a school for the deaf working with children aged 4 through to 16. My varied and fantastic job allows me to use my British Sign Language skills alongside my background in education to help all children be successful and to achieve their dreams.
I am thrilled to be able to join the Governing Body as a community Governor and look forward to committing to and learning all about the school that works so hard for the children, families and community that it supports.

André Ryan

Community Governor

Responsible for Finance and Sports & Pupil Premium Funding

I am a student at the University of Sheffield studying History and Politics. I have lived in Gainsborough for over 10 years and as a former student at Mercer’s Wood, I have a strong motivation to offer the best education possible for our community and make our children feel proud to come from our town.

My role as a governor is to have the best interests of our children and our community at heart and ensure leadership are doing everything in their ability to offer our children the best opportunities possible.

Julie Gledhill


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